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                "title": "B.H. Roberts: \"we need not be surprised if we sometimes find them mistaken in their conceptions and deductions\""
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                "title": "B. H. Roberts"
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                "title": "BYU Master's Thesis (Aug 1968): Uses Mesoamerica as presumptive culture source for costumes destined for a Book of Mormon re-enactments"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Backman (1985): \"On at least four different occasions, Joseph Smith either wrote or dictated to scribes accounts of his sacred experience of 1820\""
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Backman (1985): \"On at least four different occasions, Joseph Smith either wrote or dictated to scribes accounts of his sacred experience of 1820\""
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                "title": "Baptism for the dead in early Christianity"
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                "title": "Baptism for the dead in early Christianity"
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                "title": "Baptism in the Book of Mormon"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Barney: \"three types of evidence favoring the conclusion that Joseph understood the meaning of the italicized words\""
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                "title": "Bell: \"the questionable traces above the head of the Osiris figure are actually the remains of his right hand\""