Joseph Smith/Poligamia/Poliandria/Conhecimento e consentimento do marido vivo

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Joseph Smith foi selado ou casado com as esposas de outros homens, sem o conhecimento ou consentimento de seus maridos?

Pergunta: Foi Joseph Smith casado ou selado com a mulher de outros homens sem seu conhecimento ou consentimento?


Joseph Smith was sealed to between 11 to 14 women who were married to men who were still living

Joseph Smith was sealed to between 11 to 14 women who were married to men who were still living. Some of these men were even active members of the Church.

  • One critic claims that these were "unions without the knowledge or consent of the husband, in cases of polyandry." [1]

Each case is unique. In some cases, the husband was not a member of the Church and simply didn't care

Concluir que estas "uniões" foram realizadas sem o conhecimento ou consentimento do marido vivo é uma simplificação grosseira. Cada caso é único. Em alguns casos, o marido não era membro da Igreja, e a mulher sentia a necessidade de ser selada a um portador do sacerdócio na próxima vida. Considerando que os maridos não necessariamente acreditavam em uma "próxima vida", parece que eles não tinham nenhum problema com a ideia de sua esposa ser selada a Joseph.

Para algumas, cujos maridos eram membros da Igreja, há indícios de que os maridos aprovavam

Para algumas, cujos maridos eram membros da Igreja, há indícios de que os maridos aprovavam, desde que continuassem a viver com suas esposas e associados com os santos.

Aqui está um resumo da situação de cada uma dessas 14 mulheres

  1. Ruth Vose Sayers: Selada a Joseph apenas para a eternidade com o conhecimento e consentimento de seu marido Edward (um não-membro), e com o consentimento da esposa de Joseph Emma. Ruth continuou a viver com Edward como marido terreno.
  2. Esther Dutcher: casou com seu marido Albert aos 15 anos. Selada a Joseph somente para a eternidade sem o conhecimento ou consentimento de seu marido SUD. Esther e Albert continuaram a viver como marido e mulher terrenos até a morte de Esther. Após sua morte, Albert atuou como procurador para selá-la a Joseph para a eternidade e a si mesmo para o tempo.
  3. Mary Elizabeth Rollins: Casou com seu marido não-membro, Adam, aos 16 anos. Selada a Joseph para a eternidade depois de tentar e não conseguir convencer o marido a se unir à Igreja. Maria viveu com Adam até a sua morte. Ela não especifica se Adam sabia ou não e consentiu com seu selamento a Joseph.
  4. Presendia L. Huntington: casou com seu marido Norman aos 16 anos. Selada a Joseph para a eternidade só depois que seu marido Norman deixou a Igreja. Presendia continuou a viver com Norman. Ela não especifica se Norman sabia ou não e consentiu com seu selamento a Joseph.
  5. Sarah Kingsley: Selada a Joseph por toda a eternidade. Seu marido John não era membro da Igreja, mas era amigável com os Santos dos Últimos Dias. Ela não especifica se John sabia ou não e consentiu com seu selamento a Joseph.
  6. Patty Bartlett: casou com seu marido, David, aos 17 anos. Selada a Joseph para a eternidade. Seu marido David era um membro da Igreja, e eles continuaram a viver juntos até que ele morreu. Ele e Patty receberam a investidura juntos em Nauvoo depois da morte de Joseph. Ela não esclarece o que seu marido SUD pensava sobre seu selamento a Joseph, e se ele sabia ou não e consentiu com isso.
  7. Elizabeth Davis: Selada a Joseph por toda a eternidade, mas continuou a viver com seu marido SUD Jabez Dufee. Ela não especifica se seu marido sabia ou não e consentiu com o selamento, embora haja algumas evidências circunstanciais de que ele pode ter desaprovado isso.
  8. Lucinda Pendleton: casou com seu marido, William Morgan, aos 18 anos. Selada a Joseph para a eternidade depois de sua morte. Não há nenhuma evidência escrita de que ela estava selada a ele durante sua vida.
  9. Elvira Annie Cowles: Selada a Joseph por toda a eternidade. Ela foi casada com seu marido Jonathan, aparentemente a pedido de Joseph, mas isso pode ter sido um casamento "aparente". Jonathan estava plenamente consciente do selamento de Elvira a Joseph antes deste casamento.
  10. Marinda Nancy Johnson: casou com seu marido, Orson Hyde, aos 19 anos. Ela foi selada a Joseph algum tempo depois de seu casamento com Orson. Há relatos conflitantes que indicam que ela fez isso com ou sem o conhecimento e consentimento do marido.
  11. Zina Diantha Huntington: Ela estava casada com seu marido Henry e grávida dele na época em que foi selada a Joseph para a eternidade. Seu marido Henry estava ciente disso.
  12. Sylvia Sessions: casou com seu marido Windsor aos 20 anos. Ela foi selada a Joseph depois que Windsor foi excomungado e deixou Nauvoo. Sylvia podia considerar-se "divorciada" de Windsor neste momento. A filha de Sylvia Josephine pode ser uma filha legítima de Joseph Smith, mas uma clara ligação ainda não foi comprovada.
  13. Sarah Ann Whitney: Sarah foi casada com Joseph para o tempo e a eternidade, enquanto ela ainda era uma mulher solteira. Mais tarde, ela foi casada legalmente com José Kingsbury em um "casamento de aparências" em que viviam na mesma casa, mas que, aparentemente, não incluía as relações conjugais. Portanto, Joseph Kingsbury tinha o conhecimento de que ele estava se casando com uma das esposas plurais de Joseph e consentiu com isso.
  14. Mary Heron: Mary Heron: casou com seu marido, John Snider, aos 18 anos. John era um membro ativo da Igreja. Não existe informação suficiente para determinar se seu marido sabia ou não e consentiu com seu selamento a Joseph.

Pergunta: O que o marido de Ruth Vose Sayers sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Ruth foi selada a Joseph Smith só para a eternidade, e não para o tempo, com ambos os consentimentos tanto de seu marido e de Emma

Ruth foi selada a Joseph Smith só para a eternidade, e não para o tempo, com ambos os consentimentos tanto de seu marido e de Emma. Ela "continuou a viver com o Sr. Sayers (permaneceu com o marido) até sua morte. “[2] O marido de Ruth Edward não era membro da Igreja, e não estava interessado em se tornar um. Edward foi, no entanto, um bom amigo de Joseph Smith. Já que Edward não dava muita importância"_ para a teoria de uma vida futura", ele "insistiu que sua esposa Ruth deveria ser selada ao Profeta para a eternidade, já que ele mesmo somente deveria reivindicá-la nesta vida. Ela estava de acordo [então] foi selada ao Profeta na presença de Emma Smith... [2] Brian Hales observa que, em 1869, Ruth assinou uma declaração que diz:

Lembremo-nos de que neste primeiro dia de Maio de 1869, compareceu pessoalmente diante de mim, Elias Smith, Juiz de Sucessões do referido Condado, Ruth Vose Sayers, que estava junto comigo, devidamente juramentada, na forma da lei, e sobre ela fiz o juramento que no [em branco ] dia de Fevereiro de 1843 na cidade de Nauvoo Condado de Hancock, Estado de Illinois, ela foi casada ou selada a Joseph Smith, Presidente da Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias, por Hyrum Smith, Patriarca Presidente da referida Igreja, de acordo com às leis do mesmo, Casamento regular; na presença [em branco] [3]


Ruth's husband Edward Sayers did not attach "much importance to the theory of a future life"

Hales também salienta o seguinte a partir do trabalho de pesquisa de Andrew Jenson:

\Irmã Ruth/ Sra. Sayers casou-se em sua juventude com o Sr. Edward Sayers, um horticultor e florista completamente prático e, embora ele não fosse um membro da Igreja, ele uniu a sua fortuna à dela e eles chegaram juntos à Nauvoo em alguma época no ano de 1841; Enquanto isso uma afeição mais forte surgiu entre o Profeta Joseph e o Sr. Sayers. O último não se importava muito \com a/ teoria de que uma vida futura significava que sua esposa \Ruth/ deveria ser selada ao Profeta para a eternidade, já que ele mesmo somente deveria reivindicá-la [páginas 2-3 primeiras linhas do que foi escrito _ sobre _ rasuras ilegíveis] nesta vida. Ela \foi/ consequentemente, selada ao Profeta na presença de Emma Smith e, assim, foi contada entre as _ esposas plurais dos Profetas. Ela no entanto \entretanto ela/ \continuou a viver com o Sr. Sayers/ permaneceu com o marido \até sua morte. [4]

A biografia de Ruth Vose podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site

Pergunta: O que o marido de Esther Dutcher sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Parece que ela foi selada a Joseph para a eternidade antes de informar seu marido desse fato

Existe muito pouca evidência do selamento de Esther Dutcher a Joseph Smith. Ester era casada com Albert Smith (nenhuma relação com Joseph Smith ou George Albert Smith). A pequena evidência que existe indica que ela foi selada a Joseph somente para a eternidade, e continuou a viver com seu marido até sua morte. Parece também que ela foi selada a Joseph para a eternidade antes de informar seu marido desse fato. Trinta e dois anos depois da morte de Esther, o Apóstolo Daniel H. Wells escreveu a seguinte carta a Joseph F. Smith. Wells observa que após a morte de Esther,

Ele [Albert Smith estava] também muito aflito com a perda de sua primeira esposa. Parece que ela foi selada a Joseph, o Profeta, nos dias de Nauvoo, embora ela ainda se mantivesse sua esposa, e depois quase partiu seu coração, contando-lhe sobre isso, e expressou sua intenção de unir-se a essa relação. Ele no entanto se sentiu melhor sobre isso, representando Joseph para tê-la selada a ele, e a ele mesmo para o tempo. [5]

A biografia de Esther Dutcher podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site

Pergunta: O que o marido de Mary Elizabeth Rollins sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Maria não prosseguiu com o selamento a Joseph até que ela desistiu de tentar persuadir seu marido para unir-se

Mary Elizabeth Rollins foi casada com um não-membro, Adam Lightner. Maria não prosseguiu com o selamento a Joseph até que ela desistiu de tentar persuadir seu marido para unir-se:

Meu marido não pertence à Igreja. Implorei-lhe e suplicou-lhe que participasse, mas ele não quis. Ele disse que não acreditava nisso, apesar de ter uma grande consideração por Joseph. Ele sacrificou sua propriedade, em vez de testemunhar contra Joseph, Hyrum e George A. Smith. Depois que ele disse isso, eu prossegui e fui selada a Joseph para a eternidade. [6]

Depois de ser selada a Joseph, Mary continuou a viver com o seu marido Adam até a morte dele em 1885

Depois de ser selada a Joseph, Mary continuou a viver com o seu marido até a morte dele em 1885. Apesar desta afirmação particular, e da evidência de que ela continuou a viver com o marido até a sua morte, indique um selamento somente para a eternidade, em outras ocasiões Mary realmente se referiu a ter sido selada a Joseph para o "tempo e a eternidade." Joseph também disse que ela era para ser selada a ele por toda a eternidade, e ela inicialmente resistiu à ideia até que ela recebeu uma visitação e confirmação angelical.

A biografia de Mary Elizabeth Rollins podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site

Pergunta: O que o marido de Presendia L. Huntington sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Já que ela estava impossibilitada de ser selada para a eternidade ao marido terreno, ela foi selada a Joseph Smith em seu lugar

Presendia Huntington casou com Norman Buell quando ela tinha 16 anos de idade. Ambos, Presendia e Norman, a princípio, entraram para a Igreja, mas Norman depois deixou-a enquanto Presendia permaneceu um membro fiel. Já que ela estava impossibilitada de ser selada para a eternidade ao marido terreno, ela foi selada a Joseph Smith em seu lugar. A biografia de Presendia se 1881 observa a rejeição de seu marido à Igreja como a razão porque ela decidiu ser selada a Joseph Smith para a eternidade,,

Eu casei com Norman Buell em 06 de janeiro de 1827. Ambos nos unimos à Igreja em em [sic] Kirtland Geauga Co Ohio ele deixou a igreja em Mo em 1839. O Senhor me deu força para ficar sozinha e manter a fé em meio à dura perseguição. Em 1841, entrei para o novo e eterno convênio e fui selada a Joseph Smith, o Profeta e Vidente e com o melhor de minha capacidade eu honrei o casamento plural nunca proferindo uma palavra contra o líder. [7]

Uma declaração assinada por Presendia em 01 de maio de 1869 afirma:

Lembremo-nos de que neste primeiro dia de Maio de 1869, compareceu pessoalmente diante de mim, Elias Smith, Juiz de Sucessões do referido Condado, Presenda Lathrop Huntington Kimball, que estava junto comigo, devidamente juramentada, na forma da lei, e sobre ela fiz o juramento que no [em branco ] décimo primeiro dia de dezembro de 1841, na cidade de Nauvoo, condado de Hancock, Estado de Illinois, ela foi casada ou selada a Joseph Smith, Presidente da Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias, por Dimick B. Huntington, um Sumo Sacerdote da referida Igreja, de acordo com às leis do casamento; na presença de Fanny Maria Huntington. [8]

A biografia de Presendia L. Huntington podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site

Pergunta: O que o marido de Sarah Kingsley sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Sarah era casada com um não-membro John Cleveland, foi selada com Joseph Smith

Sarah era casada com um não-membro John Cleveland. John não estava interessado em juntar-se à Igreja, mas foi amigável para com os santos.

Nos dias de Joseph. Mãe [Sarah M. Kingsley (Howe)] Cleveland por recomendação, foi selada com o profeta em Nauvoo, mas viveu com seu marido não-membro John Cleveland.[9]

Quando os santos foram para o oeste, Sarah desejava tanto ir com eles ao ponto de deixar o marido não-membro. Brigham Young aconselhou-a a permanecer com ele

Quando os santos foram para o oeste, Sarah desejava tanto ir com eles ao ponto de deixar o marido não-membro. Brigham Young aconselhou-a a permanecer com ele:

Brigham Young e conselho ... aconselhou-a a ficar com o marido já que ele era um bom homem, tendo-se mostrado bondoso sempre ajudando os necessitados, embora por algum motivo sua mente estivesse obscurecida com relação ao evangelho. Ela obedeceu o conselho e ficou com seu marido, e foi fiel e verdadeira a seu relacionamento e morreu um membro fiel da Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias. [10]

A biografia de Sarah Kingsley podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site

Pergunta: O que o marido de Patty Bartlett sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Patty e seu marido David Sessions receberam a investidura em Nauvoo em 1845. Patty tinha sido selado para a eternidade a Joseph Smith, três anos antes, em 1842

Patty e seu marido David Sessions eram membros ativos da Igreja. Eles receberam a investidura em Nauvoo em 1845. Patty tinha sido selado para a eternidade a Joseph Smith, três anos antes, em 1842. Após a morte de seu marido de Davi, ela foi selada "para o tempo" (re-casada com um marido terrena) para John Parry em 1852. O diário de Patty declara,

Patty Bartlett filha de Enoch e Anne Bartlett nasceu 04 de fevereiro de 1795 \ Bethel Mane / e era casada com David Session 28 de junho de 1812, que era filho de David e Rachel Sessions, ele nasceu de Abril, o quarto 1790 Veshire Vermont eu estava Batpised no igreja de Jesus Cristo \ dos santos dias posteriores / 02 de julho de 1834 o Sr. Sessions baptizado agosto <r> 1735 recebemos a nossa recebemos nossa investidura 16 de dezembro de 1845, em Nauvoo. . . .

Eu fui selada a Joseph Smith por Willard Richards 9 mar 1842 em Newel K Whitneys câmara Nauvoo para a Eternidade e eu e se eu não viver para atendê-la eu mesmo quando há um lugar preparado Eu quero alguém para atendê-la para mim segundo para encomendar Sylvia \ minha filha / estava presente quando eu estava selada a Joseph Smith.I foi depois de Mr. Sessões morte selou a John Parry sênior de tempo no dia 27 de março 1852 G [reat] S [alt] L. City. [11]

Nada é declarado sobre o que seu marido David pensou em sua vedação para Joseph

Nada é declarado sobre o que seu marido David pensou em sua vedação para Joseph, ou se está ou não de acordo com isso. Brian Hales observa que, "David e Patty Sessões participaram do Templo de Nauvoo juntos, recebendo seus dotes em 15 de Dezembro de 1845, mas eles não foram selados no casamento." Parece evidente que David estava plenamente consciente de sua vedação para Joseph.

A biografia de Patty Bartlett podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site


Pergunta: O que o marido de Elizabeth Davis sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Elizabeth's husband Jabez Dufee was active in the Church, but Elizabeth chose to be sealed for eternity to Joseph Smith

Elizabeth's husband Jabez Dufee was active in the Church. Elizabeth chose to be sealed for eternity to Joseph Smith. Brian Hales notes that, "It appears that the couple experienced some marital turmoil before the sealing or perhaps as a consequence of it. Jabez was endowed on a different day than Elizabeth when the Nauvoo Temple opened in the winter of 1845 and Elizabeth was resealed by proxy to Joseph Smith on January 22, 1846, but Jabez did not participate either as a proxy husband or witness." [12]

A biografia de Elizabeth Davis podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site


Pergunta: O que o marido de Lucinda Pendleton sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

There are no records in existence that indicate that she was sealed to Joseph during his lifetime, only after his death

Lucinda Pendleton was married to Latter-day Saint George W. Harris. There are no records in existence that indicate that she was sealed to Joseph during his lifetime. It is known that Lucinda’s proxy sealing to Joseph Smith was performed in the Nauvoo Temple on January 22, 1846, after Joseph's death. In addition, she was re-sealed to Joseph in the Salt Lake Temple in 1899. Brian Hales notes that, "current evidence indicates that several of the women who participated in proxy sealing to the Prophet in the Nauvoo Temple were not married to him while he was living." [13]


Pergunta: O que o marido de Elvira Annie Cowles sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Joseph asked Jonathan Holmes to marry Elvira for time, and Joseph was later sealed to her for eternity

A letter by William Wright talks of Joseph asking Jonathan Holmes to marry Elvira. Joseph was later sealed to her for eternity.

I was well acquainted with two of Joseph’s wives, LaVina [Elvira] and Eliza [Snow or Partridge]. I came to Utah in ’69, and rented LaVina Holmes farm. Before Joseph was shot, he asked Jonathan Holmes if he would marry and take care of LaVina, but if LaVina wanted him to take care of her he would take her. He would fill that mission to please his Father in Heaven. [14]

Brian Hales notes that, "It seems to corroborate that Jonathan may have been given a “mission” to marry Elvira and “take care of her” in a legal pretend marriage. After the martyrdom, Jonathan would have been free to take Elivira as his own wife. She did not conceive her first child until seven months after Joseph’s death. The couple went on to have a total of five children together." [15]

A biografia de Elvira Annie Cowles podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site


Pergunta: O que Orson Hyde, marido de Marinda Nancy Johnson, sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

There are contradictory accounts which make it impossible to know for certain whether or not Orson knew of and consented to Marinda's sealing for eternity to Joseph

Marinda Nancy Johnson was married to Orson Hyde. There are contradictory accounts which make it impossible to know for certain whether or not Orson knew of and consented to Marinda's sealing for eternity to Joseph. However, according to Hales, "If the 1842 date for the sealing between Joseph and Marinda marriage is correct, then Joseph may have been sealed to Marinda in an “eternity only” sealing without Orson Hyde’s knowledge." Yet he also notes that "John D. Lee remembered that Orson gave his permission: 'Hyde’s wife, with his consent, was sealed to Joseph for an eternal state.'" [16]

There are two sealing dates for Joseph to Marinda - one during a period of one to two years after Hyde left on his mission, and one after he had already returned

The popular story among critics is that Joseph sent Orson away on his mission so that he could quickly marry his wife Marinda. However, the first sealing date shows that Joseph was sealed to Marinda for eternity one to two years after Hyde had left on his mission, so there was nothing "quick" about it. Furthermore, the evidence indicates that this was an "eternity only" sealing typical of Joseph's other "polyandrous" marriages involving other men's wives. No children are known to have conceived during this time. However, upon Hyde's return, not only did he father children by Marinda, but he also quickly asked Joseph to seal him in a new polygamous marriage of his own.

Todd Compton: “It is striking that Marinda had no children while Orson was on his mission to Jerusalem, then became pregnant soon after Orson returned home”

Fawn Brodie speculated that Mrs. Orson Hyde’s sons Orson and Frank “could have been Joseph’s sons.” [17] Orson Washington Hyde, born November 9, 1843, died as an infant and therefore had no descendants. DNA testing cannot help determine paternity.

Brian Hales notes the following regarding the timeline,

The timeline shows that Apostle Orson Hyde, Marinda’s legal husband, served a mission to Palestine from the spring of 1840 to December 7, 1842. Weeks after his return, Marinda became pregnant with Orson Washington Hyde (conception approximately February 16, 1843) who was born on November 9, 1843. Several authors alleged Joseph Smith practiced sexual polyandry with some of his plural wives including Marinda, despite a mountain of contradictory evidences [18] However, no evidence has been found to connect Joseph Smith with this child. Todd Compton observes: “It is striking that Marinda had no children while Orson was on his mission to Jerusalem, then became pregnant soon after Orson returned home.” [19] They also allege that a second son, Frank Henry Hyde, was father by Joseph Smith under the assumption that he was born January 23, 1845 (conception approximately May 2, 1844). [20] However, his birth certificate and an obituary in the The Ogden Standard, June 29, 1908, “Frank H. Hyde Dies Suddenly,” both corroborate a January 23, 1846, birthdate (May 2, 1845, approximate conception). [21][22]

Timeline of the marital status of Marinda Nancy Johnson Hyde. From the website Brian Hales, Joseph Smith's Polygamy off-site

Hales continues,

If the 1842 date for the sealing between Joseph and Marinda marriage is correct, then Joseph may have been sealed to Marinda in an “eternity only” sealing without Orson Hyde’s knowledge. While such a sealing would not have affected her civil union with Orson, a late second-hand report from exposé author Ann Eliza Webb Young states:

When Joseph Smith first taught polygamy, and gave the wives as well as the husbands opportunity to make new choice of life-partners, Mrs. Hyde, at that time a young and quite prepossessing woman, became one of the Prophet’s numerous fancies. . . . Hyde was away on a mission at the time, and when he returned, he, in turn, imbibed the teachings of polygamy also, and prepared to extend his kingdom indefinitely. In the mean time it was hinted to him that Smith had had his first wife sealed to himself in his absence, as a wife for eternity. Inconsistent as it may seem, Hyde was in a furious passion.” [23]

However, John D. Lee remembered that Orson gave his permission: “Hyde’s wife, with his consent, was sealed to Joseph for an eternal state.” [24] [22]

Hyde requested that Joseph perform his own plural marriage just a few weeks after returning from his mission

Hales concludes,

Whatever the sequence, Orson appealed to Joseph to perform his own plural marriage weeks after returning from his mission stating in 1869: “In the month of February or March, 1843, I was married to Miss Martha R. Browitt, by Joseph Smith, the martyred prophet, and by him she was sealed to me for time and all eternity in Nauvoo, Illinois.” [25]

The details of the relationship between Marinda and the Prophet will probably never be known. If Marinda had chosen Joseph as her eternal husband, she apparently changed her mind because she chose to be sealed to her legal husband Orson Hyde in the Nauvoo temple on January 11, 1846.

However, Marinda Nancy Johnson relocated to Salt Lake City in 1852 and later divorced Orson Hyde. She died in 1886, having kept the faith in the Church established by her eternal husband.[22]

The accounts of the sealing of Marinda to Joseph

Much of what we know about the Hyde sealing is also contaminated by hostile, mutually contradictory accounts that contain some known false information.

Author Date Claim Comments
Sidney Rigdon[26] 1845
  • Orson unaware of marriage
  • Orson refused to live with wife when he found out

Contrary to claim, Orson continued to live with Miranda and father children by her.

William Hall[27] 1852
  • Joseph demanded Miranda and all Orson's money to let him back in the Church
  • "Many jokes were cracked at his [Hyde's] expense."

Very unlikely—no record of others mocking Hyde; Hall is unreliable on other marriages as well. [28] Orson's return to the quorum was in June 1839, [29] putting Hall's account two years too early for marriage. [30]

Ann Eliza Young[31] 1876
  • Orson did not know of marriage
  • Angry when he learned of it
  • Swore would not live with his wife; did so anyway.

Too young to have any first-hand knowledge of Nauvoo, her book's intent was clearly to titillate with stories of polygamous intrigue. Claims that Brigham told Orson that she was only to be his wife for time, and Joseph's for eternity—but this is frankly false, since sealed to Orson in early 1846. [32] She also confuses the temporality, since she describes Hyde "in a furious passion," because "he thought it no harm for him to win the affection of another man's wife… but he did not propose having his rights interfered with even by the holy Prophet whose teachings he so implicitly followed" (326). Yet, Orson did not begin practicing plural marriage until after he knew of Miranda's sealing to Joseph.

John D. Lee[33] 1877
  • "Report said that Hyde's wife, with his consent, was sealed to Joseph for an eternal state, but I do not assert the fact."
Lee's work was published posthumously and may have been altered by anti-Mormon editor.

A biografia de Marinda Nancy Johnson podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site


Pergunta: O que o marido de D. Zina Huntington sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Zina married Henry Jacobs in 1840, and was sealed to Joseph Smith for eternity in 1841

Zina married Henry Jacobs in 1840, and was sealed to Joseph Smith for eternity in 1841,

Be it remembered that on this first day of May A.D. eighteen sixty nine before me Elias Smith Probate Judge for Said County personally appeared, Zina Diantha Huntington ^Young^ who was by me Sworn in due form of law, and upon her oath Saith, that on the twenty-Seventh day of October A.D. 1841, at the City of Nauvoo, County of Hancock, State of Illinois, She was married or Sealed to Joseph Smith, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, by Dimick B. Huntington, a High Priest in Said Church, according to the laws of the same; regulating marriage; In the presence of Fanny Maria Huntington. [34]

There are many stories and accusations related to the marriage of Zina and Henry, and her sealing to Joseph. For details regarding each of these allegations, see Brian and Laura Hales, "Zina Diantha Huntington," off-site.

See also: Allen Wyatt, "Zina and Her Men: An Examination of the Changing Marital State of Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs Smith Young," FAIR Conference, 2006.

Pergunta: O que o marido de Sylvia Sessões sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Sylvia was married to Windsor Lyon by Joseph Smith in Nauvoo, and was sealed to Joseph Smith at some point after she was married

Sylvia was married to Windsor Lyon by Joseph Smith in Nauvoo. She was sealed to Joseph Smith at some point after she was married. Brian Hales notes that , "This marriage triangle is unique among all of the Prophet’s plural marriages because there is strong evidence that Sylvia bore children to both men. She became pregnant by Windsor Lyon in October of 1838, September of 1840, and April of 1842. Then a year later became pregnant with a daughter (named Josephine—born February 8, 1844) that was purportedly fathered by the Prophet." Sylvia's daughter, who had the intriguing name "Josephine," made the following statement:

Just prior to my mothers [Sylvia Sessions Lyon] death in 1882 she called me to her bedside and told me that her days on earth were about numbered and before she passed away from mortality she desired to tell me something which she had kept as an entire secret fro me and from others until no but which she now desired to communicate to me. She then told me that I was the daughter of the Prophet Joseph Smith, she having been sealed to the Prophet at the time that her husband Mr. Lyon had was out of fellowship with the Church.

Sylvia may have considered herself divorced from Windsor after he was excommunicated from the Church

It appears, however, that Sylvia may have considered herself divorced from Windsor after he was excommunicated from the Church and left Nauvoo. Hales points out that "Currently, no documentation of a legal divorce between Windsor and Sylvia after his excommunication has been found. However, in the mid-nineteenth century, religious laws often trumped legal proceedings. Stanley B. Kimball observed: 'Some church leaders at that time considered civil marriage by non-Mormon clergymen to be as unbinding as their baptisms. Some previous marriages . . . were annulled simply by ignoring them.'" [35] The sealing to Joseph occurred after Windor's excommunication. Andrew Jenson, in his historical record, referred to Sylvia as a “formerly the wife of Windsor Lyons.” [36] There is no known evidence that Windsor lived with Sylvia after he returned to Nauvoo, but Sylvia did "rejoin" Windsor after he was rebaptised in 1846. Hales states, "No details are available to clarify what authority was used to reconfirm the marriage relationship between Sylvia and Windsor after their previous marital separation. Most likely the couple consulted with Brigham Young or Heber C. Kimball, who authorized their rejoining. Whether a private religious marriage ceremony for time was performed or the couple resumed observing their legal marriage is unknown. Importantly, even with the renewed conjugality between Windsor and Sylvia after Joseph Smith’s death, no evidence has been found to support her involvement in sexual polyandry at any time." [37]

A biografia de Sylvia Sessions podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site


Pergunta: O que o marido de Sarah Ann Whitney sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Joseph actually requested that Joseph C. Kingsbury marry Sarah civilly in order to allay any suspicions regarding their plural marriage

Sarah Ann Whitney's marriage to Joseph Smith was unusual in that, at some point after the marriage, Joseph actually requested that Joseph C. Kingsbury marry her civilly in order to allay any suspicions regarding their plural marriage. This marriage, however, was a "pretend" marriage according to Kingsbury,

[I] was imployed in Joseph Smith’s Store under the direction of Bishop Newel K Whitney untill the fall of 1842 and on the 16th day Oct Caroline my Wife Died. . . . how thankfull I feal thinking I shall see & meat her again to enjoy each other society for ever to part no more & also my little sons . . . and on the 29th of April 1843 I according to President Joseph Smith council & others agreed to stand by Sarah \Ann/ Whitney as supposed to be her husband & had a pretended marriage for the purpose of bringing about the purposes of bringing about the purposes of God in the last days as spoken by the mouth of the prophet Isiah Jeremiah Ezekiel and also Joseph Smith, & Sarah Ann should rec-d a great glory Honner & Eternal Lives and I Also Should Rec-d a Great Glory Honner & Eternal Lives to the full desire of my heart in having my companion Caroline in the first resurrection to hail her & no one to have power to take her from me & we Both shall be crowned & enthroned togeather in the Celestial Kingdom of God Enjoying Each others Society in all of the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ & our little ones with us as is Recorded in this blessing that President Joseph Smith Sealed upon my head on the Twenty third day of March 1843 as follows. [38]

Sarah Ann and Joseph Kingsbury acted the part of husband and wife publicly, but apparently never consummated the marriage. Sarah married Heber C. Kimabll for time, not eternally, after Joseph's death and had seven children. According to Brian Hales, Joseph Kingsbury later billed the church for his services of acting as "front husband" for one of Joseph's plural wives. [39]

A biografia de Sarah Ann Whitney podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site


Pergunta: O que o marido de Mary Heron sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Mary Heron was married to John Snider, who was an active member of the Church, but little information is available regarding her sealing to Joseph

Mary Heron was married to John Snider, who was an active member of the Church. Very little information is available regarding her sealing to Joseph. Brian Hales notes that, "John was never sealed to Mary during their lifetimes, even though a proxy sealing after her death would have been possible. Curiously, John waited until two weeks after Mary’s passing away to obtain his own temple endowments. Perhaps the timing of John Snider’s first temple visit was coincidental, or possibly a sealing between Mary and Joseph Smith had created an awkward situation while they were both living." [40]

A biografia de Mary Heron podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site


  1. Jeremy Runnells, "Letter to a CES Director"
  2. 2,0 2,1 Andrew Jenson Papers [ca. 1871–1942], LDS Archives.
  3. Ruth Vose, Affidavit, May 1, 1869, Joseph F. Smith, Affidavit Books, 1:9; ver também 4:9.
  4. Andrew Jenson Papers [ca. 1871–1942], LDS Archives. A biografia de Ruth Vose pode ser visualizada no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site
  5. Daniel H. Wells, Letter to Joseph F. Smith, June 25, 1888. Brian Hales notes, "I am indebted to Joseph Johnstun and Michael Marquardt for bringing this source to my attention." off-site
  6. Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner, “Remarks” at B.Y.U April 14, 1905, copy of original signed typescript, Vault Mss 363, fd 6, HBLL, BYU, 7.
  7. Presenda Huntington Kimball, “Biographical Sketch,” 1881, MS 742, CHL, first copy page 2 and variant copy page 2. off-site
  8. Joseph F. Smith affidavit books, CHL 1:7. off-site
  9. Holograph letter of John L. Smith attached to a letter of the First Presidency dated March 8, 1895, the letter of Smith being written on Feb 27, 1895, to David H. Cannon; copy in D. Michael Quinn Papers—Addition—Uncat WA MS 244 (Accession:19990209-c), Box 1—Card file—Topic: Polygamy, Joseph Smith’s. off-site
  10. Anon. Biography, CHL. Possibly by August Cleveland Smith quoted in Todd Compton, In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1997), 283. off-site
  11. Donna Toland Smart, ed., Mormon Midwife: The 1846–1888 Diaries of Patty Bartlett Sessions (Logan: Utah State University, 1997), 276–77. off-site
  12. Brian and Laura Hales, "Elizabeth Davis," off-site
  13. Brian and Laura Hales, "Lucinda Pendleton," off-site
  14. Undated holograph letter of William Wright, stamped as received in the First Presidency Office on June 2, 1931, in Box 65, CR 1/44, Misc. Corresp. Of 1st Pres., at CHL; copy in D. Michael Quinn Papers, Yale University, Special Collections, Uncat WA MS Uncat. WA MS. 98, 881028, bx3, fd 2. off-site
  15. Brian and Laura Hales, "Elvira Annie Cowles," off-site
  16. John D. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, or, The Life and Confessions of the Late Mormon Bishop, John D. Lee and W. W. Bishop, eds. (St. Louis: Byron, Brand, 1877), 147. Lee added “but I do not assert the fact.”
  17. Fawn Brodie, No Man Knows My History, 301, 345, 465
  18. Brian Hales: "See also discussion regarding John Bowes Quoting William Arrowsmith Regarding Marinda Nancy Johnson Hyde in Brian C. Hales, Joseph Smith’s Polygamy: History and Theology, 3 vols. (Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2013), 1:314–16."
  19. Todd Compton, “Fawn Brodie on Joseph Smith’s Plural Wives and Polygamy: A Critical View,” in Reconsidering No Man Knows My History: Fawn M. Brodie and Joseph Smith in Retrospect, ed. Newell G. Bringhurst (Logan: Utah State University Press, 1996), 165.
  20. See Fawn M. Brodie, No Man Knows My History, 345.
  21. Brian Hales: "Birth certificate available at (accessed August 27, 2009). Thanks to Gregory L. Smith for identifying this. See also “Frank H. Hyde Dies Suddenly,” The Ogden Standard (June 29, 1908), 5."
  22. 22,0 22,1 22,2 Brian Hales, Joseph Smith's Polygamy off-site Erro de citação: Código <ref> inválido; o nome "halespolygamy" é definido mais de uma vez com conteúdos diferentes Erro de citação: Código <ref> inválido; o nome "halespolygamy" é definido mais de uma vez com conteúdos diferentes
  23. Ann Eliza Webb Young, Wife Number 19, or, The Story of a Life in Bondage, Being a Complete Exposé of Mormonism, and Revealing Sorrows, Sacrifices and Sufferings of Women in Polygamy (Hartford: Dustin, Gilman, and Co., 1876), 325–26.
  24. John D. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, or, The Life and Confessions of the Late Mormon Bishop, John D. Lee and W. W. Bishop, eds. (St. Louis: Byron, Brand, 1877), 147. Lee added “but I do not assert the fact.”
  25. Affidavit of Orson Hyde, September 15, 1869, MS 3423, CHL; affidavit was copied into Joseph F. Smith Affidavit Books, 2:45; published in Joseph Fielding Smith, Blood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage (Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1905), 74.
  26. J. GI SON DIVINE [Sidney Rigdon], "To the Sisters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints," Latter Day Saint's Messenger and Advocate (Pittsburgh) 1/10 (15 March 1845): 154–158.
  27. Predefinição:CriticalWork:Hall:Abominations of Mormonism/Full title
  28. Predefinição:Book:Compton:ISL/Short
  29. See Predefinição:Book:Smith:HC/Short Brigham H. Roberts, Comprehensive History of the Church (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1965), 2:24–25n12. GospeLink (requires subscrip.) Wilford Woodruff, Wilford Woodruff’s Journal, 9 vols., ed., Scott G. Kenny (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1985), 1:340 (journal entry dated 25 June 1839). ISBN 0941214133.
  30. See Predefinição:Book:Compton:ISL/Short
  31. Predefinição:CriticalWork:Young:Wife No. 19/Full title
  32. Predefinição:Book:Compton:ISL/Short: "Marinda was sealed to Orson Hyde, not Smith, for time and eternity on January 11, 1846."
  33. Predefinição:CriticalWork:Lee:Mormonism Unvailed/Full title
  34. Joseph F. Smith Affidavit Books, 1:5, CHL.
  35. Brian and Laura Hales, "Sylvia Sessions," off-site
  36. Andrew Jenson Papers, MS 17956, CHL, box 49, folder 16.
  37. Brian and Laura Hales, "Sylvia Sessions," Note 28 off-site
  38. Joseph C. Kingsbury, “History of Joseph C. Kingsbury,” (photocopy of manuscript), in Ronald and Ilene Kingsbury Collection, MS 522 Box 3 Folder 2, page 13, Marriott Library. off-site
  39. Brian and Laura Hales, "Sarah Ann Whitney," off-site
  40. Brian and Laura Hales, "Mary Heron," off-site