Pregunta: ¿Los mormones creen que el "Jesús del mormonismo es sólo uno de muchos salvadores"?

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Pregunta: ¿Los mormones creen que el "Jesús del mormonismo es sólo uno de muchos salvadores"?


Such a belief is not taught and is not a doctrine of the Church

Some Christians claim that the "Jesus of Mormonism is but one of many saviors." [1]

Those making this claim cite Brigham Young to support this assertion:

  • Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 14:71-72
  • Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 7:333

Such a belief is not taught and is not a doctrine of the Church


  1. Plantilla:CriticalWork:McKeeverJohnson:Mormonism 101