Pregunta: Si Dios rechazó los delantales de hojas de higuera usados por Adán y Eva, ¿por qué los mormones usan delantales que representan esto en el templo?

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Pregunta: Si Dios rechazó los delantales de hojas de higuera usados por Adán y Eva, ¿por qué los mormones usan delantales que representan esto en el templo?


The Bible never says that God rejected the fig leaf aprons Adam and Eve wore

"There was no condemnation of the aprons Adam and Eve wore while in the Garden of Eden, only a chastisement and grave consequences for eating of the forbidden fruit. In actuality, the Lord demonstrated his agreement with the covering of their nakedness. That agreement along with the result of now having to live in a different world, with harsh conditions as compared to life in the garden, the Lord gave them something BETTER to clothe themselves with. “Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.” (Genesis 3:21)[1]


  1. Michael Fordham, "Did the Lord Reject the Fig Leaf Apron?," off-site (Inglés)